Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fed up

Almost 90 oceanographic casts, days of bad weather, calm, wind, snow, freezing,... The sampling is finishing but we will depart with a rather nice picture of the coupling between the physical frame of the Antarctic Peninsula and the flux of carbon promoted by the biota. Finally, our most preciated sampler the Mocness, died two days ago due to a fast electronic shock. We tried to revive it but it was impossible. Fortunately, it happened at the end of sampling. Now, we proceed with the analysis of thousands of samples while we sail again through the Drake, near Elephant Island for some more CTDs and mooring recoveries.

This antarctic pigeon spent a day with us, resting, waking and flying around.

Deploying the Isaac-Kidd Midwater Trawl (IKMT) to capture krill for experiments

Inma Herrera taking krill for experiments of respiration, ammonia excretion and growth

The rosette sampler coming in

The ice falling down...

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